Medical Law

Four Things to Do If You Can’t Pay For Your Healthcare Bills

Americans fall into bankruptcy all the time. It’s estimated that about 400,000 Americans will file for bankruptcy in 2021. A year before that, 500,000 Americans filed for bankruptcy. So the number of bankrupt Americans might have decreased in one year, but experts believe it will increase again in the coming years. There are various reasons

Four Things to Do If You Can’t Pay For Your Healthcare Bills Read More »

Health and Estate: Health and Estate Laws Essential For Seniors

elderly people on a bike

Health and estate management come hand-in-hand. You need to be able to take care of your property and possessions while planning for your future health and well-being. All of these can make a difference once you’ve reached adulthood. It’s estimated that the average American has a net worth of over $266,000 by reaching their 60s.

Health and Estate: Health and Estate Laws Essential For Seniors Read More »


    Wellness for Law understands how quickly the landscape of medical law and health care reform changes, and that one of the major factors to this change is information. Reliable information about medical malpractice statistics, knowledge on which medical laws are enforced and what kind of reforms are on the table are all crucial to medical professionals and patients alike.

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